I really need to learn how to update more.
Well, since my last entry number of things have happened.
-I made it on to the Comedy Sportz team! I have to admit, I'm pretty darn excited. We had our very first all school workshop, down town, this Saturday. I rode with the rest of the team and we were a lovely 30 minutes late. Apparently, this is a school tradition, so the people at the workshop didn't really care. We have an awesome ceramic cat for a mascot.
- I've offically started applying for colleges. Right now I have applied/ will apply to NYU, Herron @IUPUI, Kansas City Art Institute, and of course, CalArts. Obviously, the CalArts applications haven't even been posted, and I will be working extra hard on getting that application to be good. I also have scholarships to apply for and the dreaded Extended Essay to finish.
-What's most important to me right now though is 2112. We are about 3 weeks in and it's going great. The singers are fantastic, and I'm amazed at how well my males singers are dealing with the intensity that is Geddy Lee's high notes. My band is also working well, and quickly. I am very close to starting to shoot the animation, which will be paper cutouts. I started painting the backgrounds today.
This is just some concept art.
I've also not forgotten to make time for my cartoons.