Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Coast 2 Coast

We had an assignment in character design to re-imagine a Hannah- Barbera property. I couldn't help but do Space Ghost!

No Jace, but the overall idea is that Space Ghost is just a dude who lives in space and assumes he is a super hero. Ge forces his niece, Jan, to be his sidekick, to her embarrassment.

Zorak is the size of an actual mantis who has a personal vendetta against Space Ghost. Space Ghost doesn’t know he exits, Zorak tries to kill him in pretty silly ways. Like switching his sugar with artificial sweetner.

And Brak…. I wanted to make him pudgy hahha

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Monster in Paris sketch dump

So, this weekend at the LA Animation Festival, I went to an english screening of "Un Monstre a Paris" (A Monster in Paris)

It was seriously, one of the most adorable movies I've seen recently, and I loved the heck out of the monster.

(ok, that bottom image never happens in the movie. But someone brought up that the monster is a giant flea so...)

Now back to work on portfolio and film!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Crunch Time...

not much time for sleep. But plenty of time for iced coffee.

Starbucks is getting a credit in my film.

Monday, March 5, 2012