Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Away We Go

I have a one way ticket to California and I'm using it tonight! I've been around so long, I feel like I slept in the day that everyone else went to college and I missed out! I'm happy to finally be leaving, but pretty stressed out as well.

I'm going to be using this blog, not only as my sketch/art blog, but also to let my Indiana brethren know what kinds of fun stuff I'll be up to!

Hey, you guys wanna see the DVDs and Comics I'm gonna have in Cali?

You should all read Scott Pilgrim. It's amazing. yes.

("Away We Go" is a great movie, btw)


Marcus said...

Ten pieces of advice:

1) Have fun.
2) Eat healthy foods.
3) Exercise at least three times a week.
4) Always choose the smaller independent movie over the Hollywood blockbuster.
5) Listen to new bands.
6) Make as many friends as you can.
7) It's OK to say "no."
8) Shoot for at least seven hours of sleep every night.
9) See as much of the world as you can.

And, most importantly...

10) Update your blog often to let everyone know what you're up to!!!

Have a great time at school. Don't forget all your Hoosier friends when you become a big-time famous animator...

Meri said...

I am just here to say that "away we go" is indeed an awesome movie.